Meet Shahana - Support Worker at Heroic Care

Shahana's Diary

My first calls of the day mainly consist of getting the person using our service out of bed and assisting with personal care. Here I am preparing the bathroom to allow them to safely do their personal care as independently as possible allowing them to maintain their dignity in the process. Dignity is a big part of the work we do it supports the self-esteem of the person, recognising their capacities and personal daily goals, and does nothing to cause them distress or embarrassment. It includes respect for what they can do, who they are, and the life they've had. I make sure all my tasks are completed with dignity in mind. I always make sure I am wearing my full personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever I am in someone's house to help diminish the risk of passing on any infections or illnesses to any of my visits and to keep myself safe.

Once personal care is done we move on to having some breakfast. When it comes to meals I always ensure the person using our service has a choice of what they would like. Doing this promote independence. Promoting independence is good for confidence and the ability of people to remain in control within their own home which is called autonomy.

Next its time for a much needed coffee! I promote the person using our service to complete small tasks on their own further promoting independence and confidence in completing tasks on their own. Although some tasks may need to be supported with there will always be steps in the activity that can be done by them.

When lunch time comes around the person using our service will let me know when they are ready to eat. I am always aware the person I am supporting that day may be living with a condition which reduces their ability to recognise feelings such as hunger. For them a set time is given for all meals. I continue to offer choices of what they have to eat and will again encourage them to get involved with the preparation. I always make sure that I sit with them to provide social time which is important to stimulate and maintain their social skills and to keep an eye if the person using our services struggles to eat at any point so I can assist.

When the day is nice and I have a longer time with the person using our service we will often have a trip out. Today we have decided to go to the park being out side of their homes can bring new challenges but I don't need to worry as a risk assessment is done for all of events that might take place whilst I am working which sets out a clear plan of action in all situations that might happen. Having social inclusion and getting out of the house is good for the body and mind so I encourage a trip whenever possible.

Once we are back home and the person using our service is comfy and ready for the rest of their day I sit and fill out the care notes. I have to make sure that the notes are accurate and are factual as these are used by the next person who may visit this could be a colleague, nursing team or even a relative who wants to know what they have got up to that day. If I have administered medication during the call a separate medication chart will need to be filled in to ensure everyone knows they have taken their medication and at what time. This makes sure they are safe and their health needs are also being maintained. If there has been any issues during my visit I make sure these are recorded and reported to my office. Once these tasks are done I will do one last check of the individual and make sure they are safe, have everything they need and are comfy before I leave.

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