Within this stage we will look at how you can prepare to join the adult social care sector including the level 1 Pathway to Care, the level 2 Sector Based Work Academy Programme (SWAP) and helpful tips such as how to prepare for your interview.

The Pathway to Care Level 1 Qualification

Inspired to Care have worked in partnership with Florence Academy to put together this free accredited level 1 course called "The Pathway to Care". The course is designed to allow an individual to decide if social care is a sector they are interested in working in and also makes sure that those who complete the course will be fully aware of what will be expected of them when they begin applying for jobs.

The pathway to care qualification can be viewed in many different languages! Follow the instructions below to access this Google Chrome feature.

Sector Based Work Academy Programme Level 2 Qualification

Sector-based work academy programme (SWAPs) is an opportunity to learn new skills and get experience of working in a particular industry for example care.

The programme is designed to help jobseekers, who are claiming either Universal Credit, Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), to build confidence, improve job prospects and enhance CVs.

Participants will continue to receive benefits whilst taking part in a SWAP, and if you need to travel to the employer's place of work or to where the training is held, you may be able to receive help covering the cost of public transport or appropriate childcare.

The programme is designed to help improve job prospects, help employers fill jobs, as each SWAP is linked to one or more genuine job vacancy. While you're not guaranteed to get a job from completing a SWAP, it does help you to improve your chances of gaining employment in that sector.

A sector-based work academy can last up to 6 weeks. Placements have 3 main components:

  1. pre-employment training – matched to the needs of the chosen sector
  2. work experience placement – a great opportunity for business to identify talent and for you to cement your knowledge and understanding of the required role. This can be provided by an introductory presentation.
  3. a guaranteed job interview or help with an employer's recruitment process

An important feature of SWAP is that each sector-based work academy offers a flexible approach and can be adapted to meet the needs of any business. Placements are particularly useful for young people but are open to all jobseekers aged 18 upwards.

The course content

1. Principles of communication in ASC settings

2. Principles of personal development in ASC

3. Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in ASC settings

4. Principles of safeguarding and protection in H&SC

5. Introduction to duty of care in H&SC or children's and young people settings

6. Understand the role of the social care worker

7. Understand person centred approaches in adult social care settings

8. Understand health and safety in social care settings

9. Understand how to handle information in a social care setting

How to apply

You are able to refer yourself for the PET-Xi Level 2 Health and Social Care SWAP. Simply fill in the form below to have your details passed to a member of their team.

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Preparing for work tips and tricks

One of the biggest decisions when deciding to work in adult social care is knowing which provider type you would like to join. Below is our poster to help you understand what each one means to help you find the role right for you.

Work Experience and Volunteering

Work experience and volunteering is a great way to gain experience and to make sure adult social care is right for you. There are a variety of roles available. Visit the link below to see how to get involved.

Career Stories

If you are unsure of what roles and provider types would suit you visit the career stories below to gain advice from those currently working in the adult social care sector.

Preparing for an interview

Interviews can be the most daunting aspect of finding a new role. Visit the link below to gain advice and insight into what might be asked during interviews in our sector.

Core Values and Skills

More and more adult social care providers are recruiting based on the individuals values. Values are what make you yourself. Visit the page below to discover what your values are and how they effect your daily life.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Being neurodivergent in the workplace can be difficult at times but see below the page we offer to our social care providers to support you when seeking employment in our sector.

Nursing Associates Apprenticeship

If you are interested in persuing a career in nursing within social care there is the option of the NA Apprenticeship. The link below holds information of how to get involved and how to apply.

Education Establishments (Leicester & Leicestershire)

We have put together a list of educational establishments who teach health and social care around the Leicester & Leicestershire area. Visit the page below to learn more.

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Full time Day Care Assistant

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