Other careers in care

There are many roles in adult social care that do not include direct care responsibilities. These professionals play an essential role in running adult social care services, supporting care workers, and enabling people to access the care and support that they need.

You could work for a private social care businesses, a charity or not-for-profit organisation, or for the local authority. Roles include catering and facilities maintenance, registered professions such as social work or occupational therapy, and business support functions such as recruitment and quality management.

Explore the local case studies below to find out what it is like to work in adult social care.

Assistant Director – Integration, Access and Prevention

Assistant Director – Integration, Access and Prevention

Meet Tracy Assistant Director at Leicestershire County Council and read about her incredible work supporting LGBTQIA+ employees

Apprentice Social Worker

Apprentice Social Worker

Read Di's career journey from Care worker to apprentice social worker whilst being part of the LGBTQIA+ Community

Head of Quality Assurance and Commissioning

Head of Quality Assurance and Commissioning

Read Jamies's career journey from Care Assistant to Head of Quality Assurance and Commissioning whilst being part of the LGBTQIA+ Community

Social Care Recruitment & Retention Officer

Social Care Recruitment & Retention Officer

Read David's career journey from office administrator to social care recruitment & retention officer whilst being part of the LGBTQIA+ Community

Community support worker

Community support worker

Community support workers enable people with social care needs to access the support and resources that they need to live independent and fulfilling lives - read Katie's story to learn more about her role.

Quality officer

Quality officer

Quality officers work with social care providers to support them to meet the needs of people using their services - read Bev's story to learn more about her role.

Director of Adults and Communities

Director of Adults and Communities

Adult social care directors are responsible for ensuring that the social care and wellbeing needs of local residents are met - read Jon's story to learn more about his role.

Skills trainer

Skills trainer

Skills trainers play a vital role in ensuring that care workers have the skills and knowledge that they need to provide excellent care - read Jamie's story to learn more about his role.

Qualified social worker

Qualified social worker

Social workers work with individuals with social care needs to empower them to live independent and fulfilling lives - read Katy's story to learn more about her role.

Catering ancillary manager

Catering ancillary manager

Catering managers play a vital role in running a successful residential care service - read Julie's story to learn more about her role.

Recruitment officer

Recruitment officer

Recruitment officers are responsible for finding people who have the right values for a career in care - read Dominique's story to learn more about her role.

Procurement officer

Procurement officer

Procurement officers are responsible for purchasing social care services on behalf of the local authority - read Martin's story to learn more about his role.

Contracts officer

Contracts officer

Contracts officers are responsible for monitoring adult social care providers to ensure that they are meeting the terms of their local authority contracts - read Sunni's story to find out more about her role.

Shared Lives Officer

Shared Lives Officer

Shared Lives officers help deliver a scheme that connects people who need support with care professionals who deliver support from their own homes - read Nick's story to find out more about his role.

Positive Behaviour Support Lead Adviser

Positive Behaviour Support Lead Adviser

Positive Behaviour Support Lead Advisers are responsible for providing guidance on how to support people with behaviours that cause concern - read Sally's story to learn more about her role.

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You can also explore job vacancies at Leicestershire County Council on the East Midlands Shared Services Jobsite.

Added 4th March

Senior Care Assistant - Nights

Company: primelife Location: Narborough & Lutterworth
Added 4th March

Care Assistant - Full Time Nights

Company: Primelife Location: Wigston & South Wigston
Added 4th March

Full time Day Care Assistant

Company: Primelife Location: Loughborough West & Shepshed

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