Interviews are one of the most stressful experiences we can go through. It often comes from a lack of knowing what to expect. To help we have decided to offer a little guide to calm yourself during the process and help you be as prepared as possible. These are:

Research the company

You should know basic details about the company. Have a look on their website and see what services they provide, what areas they cover and who their main groups of individuals they support. You may have some transferrable skills that may benefit these services think about these before your interview to see if you can work these in at some point during the process.

Preparing for your interview

When booking in for your interview you want to make sure you are free for the duration of the interview without any stressful activities either side. If it is a virtual interview check that you have downloaded the apps needed and give it a test run by activating your camera and sound in a session beforehand to make sure the experience is as stress free as possible.

Sort your clothes for your interview in advance check you are happy with them and try them on to make sure they fit correctly. We don't want to be running around shops before just before your interview hoping to find something that you may not like or feel confident in.

Look at what you might need to bring with you such as certificates or right to work documents and have your bag ready to go with a notepad and pen encase you want to take some notes.

Right to work documents are items such as your passport or birth certificate. Driving licences are not currently accepted as a right to work document. To find the full list of what can be used visit here.

Prepare for your interview questions

Many interview questions in social care share similarities to prepare have a look at the following questions that may appear and prepare some answers in advance.

  1. Can you give me an example of when you demonstrated your caring nature?
  2. What is your understanding of safeguarding?
  3. What is your understanding of confidentiality?
  4. Are you aware of CQC (regulators) and what their role is within social care?

There may also be some values based questions which will ask you to give examples of when you have demonstrated common values within social care. These can include: caring, kind, working well under pressure, team work and willingness to learn.

Your availability to work may come up so have a think before going to your interview so you make sure you can commit to what you put down. Many places will not except a change in availability before your probation period ends.

Prepare your own questions

Think about what you would like to know about the role these could be:

  1. What are the shift patterns?
  2. What contracts are offered?
  3. How does progression work within the company?

If you follow these steps you will find the interview process a lot easier. Everyone gets nervous before an interview and that's normal but its important to not over stress yourself with things that can be prepared way in advance.

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