Portrait of Waarisha, ITC Ambassador

Inspired to Care Ambassador Waarisha is a Team Leader at Enable Inclusive Support LTD. Waarisha took part in our ambassador takeover days by sharing a day in her life with us. The takeover day was featured on our Instagram (@inspired.to.care) and Facebook stories.

Waarisha started her career in adult social care in 2017. She worked in home care and residential care roles before joining Enable Support LTD in 2020. Waarisha worked in social care whilst at university and graduated with a degree in Business Management and Human Resources Management in 2020. She is now working as a team leader at Enable Support LTD whilst studying towards a Masters degree in Business Intelligence Systems and Data Mining.

Enable Inclusive Support LTD provide tailored support to adults with social care needs to enable them to live independently in their own home. Waarisha's role is to lead a small team of support professionals to provide specialist support for an individual with complex needs. Keep reading to find out what her day-to-day role involves.

Waarisha's diary

7.00am - Get ready for work

Today I am working 8am - 2pm so I got up at 7am to get ready for work. I always have a cup of tea before I set off for work.

7.45am - Drive to work

Here I am ready to drive to our client's house for my 8am shift start.

8am - Handover

We always start our shift by doing a handover with the staff who have been providing support overnight. We find out if there were any issues or incidents we should be aware of and if there are any plans or events due to happen in the day.
We also spend some time cleaning and getting activities ready for when Chris* wakes up.

Chris* requires support from two members of staff and so we work as part of a small team. We work on this shift pattern:

Early shift: 8am - 2pm

Late shift: 2pm - 8pm

Night shift: 8pm - 8am

One of the essential values for being a support professional is flexibility. For example, I switched shifts today to meet the needs of my team.

*I have changed the name of the person we support

9.30 - Breakfast time

As support professionals, it is our job is to empower people to live independently and in the way they choose. We wait for Chris to decide they would like to wake up and then support them to make their chosen breakfast.

Chris' favourite breakfast is pancakes, so that's what we're making today!

10am - Time to tidy the kitchen

After mealtimes we support Chris to clean and tidy their kitchen.

10.30am - Time to get ready for the day

Breakfast is finished and the kitchen is tidy. Now we write some notes about the day so everyone knows the plan. As a team leader, my job involves quite a few admin tasks as it is my job to keep everything organised.

It's now time to support Chris with their personal hygiene routine. Every person who receives support is different and it is our job to adapt support to meet the person's needs. Chris requires prompts, rather than direct assistance, to support them to have a shower and get dressed.

11.32am - Budgeting and shopping

Now we are busy supporting Chris to do their food shopping. We use a spreadsheet to make sure everything is ordered correctly and they have all their favourite foods.

12.22am - Preparing lunch

It's lunchtime! Like with breakfast, we support Chris to prepare food that they choose. Today they have chosen sausages and chips.

1pm - Lunchtime

Once the cooking is complete Chris can enjoy their food and we also take time to eat our lunch.

2pm - End of shift

We always end the shift by handing over to our colleagues who will be support Chris for the rest of the day. Communication and team work are both really important skills for this job. We update our colleagues on what activities we have done in the morning, how Chris is feeling, and any issues or appointments that they need to know about.

Once the handover and paperwork is complete I head home for a nice cup of tea! Outside of work I am usually studying as I am a postgraduate student at De Montford University.

As a team leader, my day often involves attending meetings with families, partner organisations, and with our service directors. I also do weekly and monthly audits and other administration tasks

My proudest moment in my career was supporting someone to move into their own home and adjusting to living independently. They found this transition really difficult. The moment they accepted our support and started being independent was the proudest moment and memory for me. I was so happy to bring positive change in someone's life.


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